These instructions are for adding brand new Indoor shows. Usually, you won't have to do it. This video was filmed in case you need a brand new show on a website.
- Copy post
- Copy 2 forms for members and attendees
- Change ids in the post
- Go to function.php file to add a new show code twice (Search for "Return to.." comment)
- Now log in as a member to test the new form as you add changes
- Add payment cards hook
- Add carried lines hook
- Add signature validation (check both the id of the field and form)
- Employee ticket validation
- Connect the form to FileMaker
- Find the function register_ex to specify new form ids in carried lines and initials.
- Test a member!
- Login as a retailer - you should see a new retailer form now
- Connect checkbox for attendees (in site specific plugin)
- Add signature validation for attendees. check the ID of the field
- In the beginning of function.php add a hook for the form to connect to FM