The Western Winter Sports Reps Association (WWSRA) is a not-for-profit, membership-run association that has been successfully producing regional trade shows and demos in the outdoor, snowsports, and active lifestyle industries for 70 years. Over this span of seven decades we have worked with 6000+ reps and thousands of retailers in a dynamic and ever-changing environment.
Our Mission
Our core goal, as set forth by our founding members in 1949, is to help all sales reps and retailers in the Western United States work and thrive in the outdoor, snowsports, and active lifestyle industries. WWSRA exists to produce timely, cost-effective trade shows and demos that facilitate the buy/sell cycle between sales reps, their manufacturers, and their retailers. WWSRA continues to be the voice and advocate for sales reps on a national level, providing venues that progress the relationship with retailers in their home territories.
Priority & Membership
WWSRA only offers membership to individual and factory sales reps who sell outdoor, snowsports, and active lifestyle products. You must live/work in a territory in the Western United States. *WWSRA DOES NOT offer memberships to companies, company employees, or manufacturers.
When you begin your WWSRA membership, you are assigned a priority number that belongs specifically to you. The longer you've been a member, the more control you have over your location at our shows. All booth assignments are up to the Director’s discretion and made for the betterment of a show and the traffic flow.
Our Commitment
Our commitment to our membership is to continue to grow, learn, and adapt. What started as a small group of Northern California ski reps in 1949 is now a dynamic and growing group of multi-disciplined reps, covering multiple industries, states, and life stages. We are a collective of ever-changing, active individuals that has made their passions their livelihood.