Each employee will have to fill out a form to create a WP account (Level 0 - Subscriber). Once they are registered, this will be marked in FileMaker. “Registered on the website?” will change to “Yes” and the username field will be populated with the username they chose on the website during the registration. All of this can be found on the UserRetailer layout and on the popover button in the Retailer’s Employees portal.
Now, this employee can log in with his username/password and see INDOOR shows only (Currently, I see both Indoor and on-snow events). On the event page, he or she needs to provide his preferred email and press “Submit my Registration”.
Immediately, this employee will appear in the “Attendees” portal. If this was the first employee to register for this event, a new order and order item records will appear. Otherwise, there will be an additional Item record only, related to the same order.
These attendees don’t have to pay to attend. They will receive a confirmation email with the link to this event only, where the email field and button of the form are hidden.