To register as a retailer, the user should go to “Register as a retailer” page (Menu > For Attendees)
The user fills out a form and lists all employees (including himself if he wants to attend a show).
The user is automatically Level 1 but still needs to be approved in FM.
The WWSRA employee reviews an application and presses an “Approve” button. This will change the retailer’s status to active and will send one email to the retailer saying that he is approved and multiple emails to all employees that he listed.
The retailer can log in with his username and password and see/update his info (except First/Last name). He can also add/edit/delete his employees. (For now, we leave emails as unique keys, those can't be changed). If he/she edits or add new employees, the changes will be immediately reflected in fm.
If the retailer deletes an employee, he/she will disappear in wp but will stay in FM. A WWSRA admin can press a “refresh” button near the portal on the retailer layout to update the status of all retailer’s employees. Those who were deleted in wp will have their status changed to “0”.